The World Viewing Room

Our Mexico Healing Vacation cindy's trips full moon release meditation Jun 04, 2024

Hi Soul Gang, Here's the video from our Mexico healing vacation. Please watch it to the end. It says so much more than I can express in words.
Cindy & Gary

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Now that's interesting! Five facts about Lead Year seasons Feb 28, 2024

Do you know what a 'Leapling' is? 

Well, I was curious about leap year and decided to do a little research. Here are five interesting facts you may not know.

  1. Not every four years is a leap year: While the general rule is a leap year every four years, there's a twist! Century years (ending...
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Plant Creageous Capricorn New Moon Intention Seeds astrology Jan 10, 2024

 Our first New Moon of the New Year is tomorrow, 1/11. Here’s what’s cool. With the 111 and the ‘climb every mountain’ Capricorn energy, this is an auspicious time to plant your seeds of intention, not only for January, but all of 2024. 

In numerology, 1 holds...

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What does the PrayerWave look like? seven storms book Dec 10, 2023

What does the PrayerWave look like?

This is the question I asked the AI Image Creator. Scroll down to see some of the first few images of the PrayerWave and I would love your feedback as I perfect it.

Is this how you envision it? What changes should I try?

Again, this is why we are taking time...

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TAKE A UNICORN RIDE THIS WEEKEND holiday messages Nov 24, 2023

Gary and I are in Phoenix horsing around, or I should say Unicorning around with little Miss Cadie, so NO CALLS THIS WEEKEND (11/24/23).

Here's a little instruction video from Cadie on how to ride your Unicorn.

Hope you have some magical playtime too.

We'll start you off with a Unicorn Hug from...

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ELT Soul Gang News - How to Plant New Moon Seeds of Intention for an Earth Signs elt soul gang news new moon wishes Sep 13, 2023

There are two cosmic events you may be feeling.

 The New Moon in Virgo tomorrow, Thursday, September 14, and Mercury is stationing direct on Friday, September 15.

Right now, Mercury is standing still, readying to station direct. This may have you feeling a little off, even unable to focus....

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ELT Soul Gang News - 2023-08-31 elt soul gang news Aug 31, 2023

Did you see the magnificent full SuperMoon last night? Did you do a releasing ritual? Gary and I did ours as we walked the neighborhood with Gidget and Graci.

We’ll still be in the releasing energy during our Friday call, so we’ll release together. This is important with the coming...

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VISION: The Wheat Field again, what it means group readings Feb 28, 2023

Once again, I had the vision of the wheat field. Now I know what it symbolizes: Fertility. Yes, this is about our reproductive rights. Here is the confirmation card reading.

I'm getting a follow up message too. And yes, I have more to say on this. Be on the look out for a follow up post.

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Happy Valentine’s Day, Five Little Known Facts About Valentine’s Day holiday messages Feb 14, 2023

Did you know Cupid was once a Greek god?

Did you know there may have been two different men credited as being St. Valentine?

Did you know there’s a Pagan Festival associated with Valentine’s?

Where did the phrase, ‘Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve’ come from?

Have you...

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New Year, New 7 Universal Energy new years 2023 numerology Jan 02, 2023

New Year, New Universal Energy Part 1 Meaning of a Seven Year

Let’s welcome in the New Year along with the shift to a Seven (7) Universal Energy.

How do we know it’s a Seven Universal year?

Simply add the numbers of the year together. 2023 2+0+2+3=7
FYI for future years, reduce...

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How Your Personal Year Number Blends with Seven Universal Energy new years 2023 numerology Jan 02, 2023

New Year, New Universal Energy Part 2 Keywords for your Personal Year

Your Personal Year Number

Along with the Universal year, we each have a personal year. To calculate your personal year, add your birth month + day + Universal Year number.

My birthday is 3/16, 3+1+6=10+7=17 1+7=8. My personal...

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