Jan 06, 2021PRE-CLEANSE - DAYS 1- 3
Jan 6-8: DAYS 1 - 3 Reduce caffeine and sugar (cut in half)
2 - 3 Meals a day. Include fresh (lightly steamed-as much as you want) organic veggies from the food list, 2 - 3 tart apples a day (I lightly stewing my apples, adding cinnamon and a little stevia).
If you're eating meat protein: Palm-size portions (about 100g - 150g).
Over the next 7-DAYS, you will be slowly removing caffeine, sugar, dairy, eggs, soy, gluten, peanuts, corn, dyes, and artificial sweeteners (stevia is fine) and then adding in herbs.
Ease into your cleanse. This is a critical step for this winter's cleanse. Going into a healing crisis (flu-like symptoms, inability to sleep, skin breakouts, and sluggishness) could be confused with flu or covid.
"Easy does it", is our key phrase for this cleanse.
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